Crillee Airedale Terrier, Crillee|Crillee Airedale Terriers

ManchesterFri 20th JanuaryMiss CA Clarke-O'Neill
CruftsSat 11th MarchMr S Plane
National TerrierSat 1st AprilMrs CE Cartledge
N.A.T.A8th AprilMr RP Oldham
Birmingham National Sat 6th MayMr RE Blackley
S.K.CSun 21st May*Mr A Easdon
BathMon 29th MayMrs T Urek (Slovenia)
Southern CountiesFri 2nd June*Mr N Straw
Midland Counties A.T.CSun 18th JuneMrs J Turner
WindsorThus 29th JuneMr R Turner
East of EnglandThu 6th JulyMrs W A Gray
LeedsSat 29th JulyMr T Huxley
Welsh K.CSat 19th AugustMrs NV Evans
DriffieldSat 26th AugustMr M Lockett
City of BirminghamSat 2nd SeptemberMr F Kane
RichmondFri 8th SeptemberMr M Vickers
DarlingtonSun 17th SeptemberMr N Connell
North of England A.T.CSun 22nd OctoberMs J Vickers
West of Eng & S.Wales A.T.CSun 26 NovemberMr P R Eardley
South of England A.T.CSat 2th DecemberMiss D Graham
L.K.AFri 8th December*Mrs J Peak

List  Of Airedale Judges and Shows For 2023